9 Reasons To Start Practicing Self-Love Today

October 7, 2013 Sandra Dawes

Welcome to the first installment of the blog series in preparation for my upcoming book!  Each post relates to the theme of a chapter in my book.  Today’s post by Joy Lampkin, covers the first chapter of the book – The Importance of Self-Love.  Our relationship with ourselves defines the relationship we have with others.  If we find it hard to love ourselves, how can we truly be open to accepting the love of another?  Here are Joy’s thoughts on self-love. ~ Sandra

It is a common notion that we must love ourselves before we are able to love anyone else.

Somehow, this doesn’t quite resonate with me. It makes it seem as though there is some definitive end to the journey of self-love, at which point you can then begin loving others. Experience has taught me that self-love— growing it, learning it, exploring it, experiencing it— is an ongoing process.

The practice of self-love is a never-ending journey. We can discover new facets and depths of self-love, just like we can always learn something new and unexpected about life.

Even though self-love is an ongoing process, we ought to start practicing it in big and small ways now. In a world, where we are often bombarded with subtle and overt messages that gives us reasons not to love ourselves, we must find the courage to love ourselves anyway.

Life is precious, and to be experienced in full. As we deepen our self-love, we experience life more fully.

Here are 9 reasons to start delving more deeply into your practice of self-love, number one being the most important of all.

9. You’ll have a magnetic glow

The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. ~Deepak Chopra

8. You’re more likely to reach your goals

People who experienced self-compassion were more likely to see their weaknesses as changeable. Self-compassion — far from taking them off the hook — actually increased their motivation to improve and avoid the same mistake again in the future. ~ Heidi Grant Holvorson

7. You’ll have an irreplaceable treasure 

Scarcity of self -value cannot be remedied by money, recognition, affection, attention or influence. ~ Gary Zukav

6. You’ll connect more deeply with your loved ones

My willingness to be intimate with my own deep feelings creates the space for intimacy with another.  ~ Shakti Gawain

5. You’ll make an impact on the world

Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

4.  You’ll have more love to share with others

“ [When] we give more of that Love to ourselves…we begin to be filled with this Love, [and] we then pour it on to others in our lives.” ~ Mastin Kipp

3. You’ll choose happiness and fulfillment 

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. ~Jean Shinoda Bolen

2. You’ll cause miracles

Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. ~ Louise L. Hay

1. You deserve it

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~Buddha

About the Author:

Joy Lampkin is creator of Songbird Revolution, a blog geared towards women of Generation Y who aspire to make a positive difference to the world through their lives and work. Joy writes weekly, encouraging passionate, ambitious women to go after their highest goals, ignite positive change in the world, and stay healthy and balanced along the way. By sharing her own story, the inspirational stories of other women, and practical tools, Joy helps women to let go of fears that would keep them from going after the life they most want and making the greatest impact on others that they can make. You can connect with Joy and Songbird Revolution at songbirdrevolution.wordpress.com.

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