Embrace Your Destiny on Shine Your Light Radio!

July 13, 2012 Sandra Dawes

I was fortunate to be a guest on Karen Harkness’ online radio show Shine Your Light! For those of you who weren’t able to listen live, please feel free to listen to the stream!

The topic of the interview is Avoiding the mid-life crisis: Discover how to turn your passion into your livelihood!

We discuss the program I have developed for youth that encourages them to think about their future, their dreams and creating a livelihood that they enjoy.

Too often students are told that pursuing a higher education is the key to career success.  After thousands of dollars in OSAP debt, many realize that the path they have pursued doesn’t fulfill them.  After experiencing this herself, Sandra has put together a program designed to help participants avoid these pitfalls and provide tools that will help them to follow their dreams and live a life without regrets!

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