Now a Certified Life Coach!

August 4, 2011 Sandra Dawes

I’ve been a bit tardy in making this announcement, but I am happy to report that I am now a certified life coach!  I did my training with the American University of NLP and passed my final exam at the end of June.  I am now working on my Master Life Coach certification and will let you all know once I have achieved this next level as well.

I am a big supporter of continuing education!  It had been 9 years since I last took a course and I realized how much I’ve missed learning in a structured setting!  While a great deal of life coaching is intuitive, it’s nice to have guidance and learn tools that assist you in sharpening your skills and allowing you to provide better coaching to clients.

Please visit my Services page to see what I offer and feel free to contact me to take advantage of the compliementary strategy sessions that are available. ♥




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