Making 2011 your best year yet!

November 19, 2010 Sandra Dawes

We often don’t think of setting goals for ourselves until closer to New Year’s Eve.  We plan to lose weight, quit smoking, go back to school, or some other goal that we think will make our lives better.  Unfortunately, most of us don’t put a game plan together for how we’re going to do this – what steps are we going to take to make these goals a reality, and not just another lofty promise we make to ourselves that loses steam before the end of January?

Last year was the first time I actually sat down and established goals for myself, period.  I had worked with a life coach and put together goals I wanted to achieve in my life in the next 5, 10 and 20 years.  After being inspired and excited about what my future had to offer, I decided to take a closer look at what I wanted to achieve in 2010 and sat down and wrote out goals I wanted for myself in various areas of my life, including personal goals, relationships, health & body, career & education, recreation, financial and contribution (charity/giving back).  Establishing these goals and breaking them down into timeframes gave me benchmarks that I could refer back to in order to see how I was doing.  When I look back on my list now, I may not have accomplished everything I set out to accomplish in 2010, but it certainly was my most productive year in a long time and there are items on the list than I can check off as completed!

Since I found that setting goals prior to the New Year was something that worked for me, I would like to challenge anyone who would like to join me in making 2011 even better than 2010 was!  I would like to set up a discussion group on my Embrace Your Destiny Facebook page that will allow anyone who is interested to discuss their goals for 2011 and how they plan to achieve them.  I found that sharing my goals with others was a great way to have the people in my life hold me accountable for what I had promised myself to do.  My intention in establishing this group is to provide a forum that will support each other in achieving our goals, including discussing the challenges and roadblocks that we sometimes face and discovering people who can encourage us to get around those hurdles so we can live the life we want and deserve!

It is my hope to start this support system in early December, so we can all get started on thinking about where we want our lives to be a year from now, and start to develop the game plan to get there.  If you are interested in participating, please send me an email at [email protected] or post a message on the Embrace Your Destiny Facebook wall.  I am putting together the logistics of the group in the next week or so and would love feedback on what people think would help them achieve their goals in the most effective way with this project.  Here’s to an exciting and amazing 2011!♥

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