
April 18, 2010 Sandra Dawes

I have started reading A Course In Miracles and fear seems to be a common theme that keeps popping up. I have completed the first 8 chapters of the book so far, and each chapter gives me a perspective on the scriptures of the bible and life in general that I had never considered before.

In many of the books I have read to-date, the issue of fear is often raised. I’m familiar with the notion that fear really stands for False Evidence Appearing Real, but that hasn’t stopped me from experiencing fear from time to time… While I have managed to curb my fears and affirm that all is well and everything is happening for my higher good (thanks to Louise Hay for that one), I still have moments of worry and sometimes all out panic. Thankfully I am now aware that those states are not natural to my being and I meditate or do yoga to regain my balance.

I am beginning to understand that fear is a construct of the ego. It makes sense to me that the ego would prefer to live in fear rather than have the mind have faith in something greater than itself that will always take care of us and provide what it is that we need. It has been in my reading of A Course In Miracles that I am gaining a better understanding of the fact that we already have everything we need and that many of us just haven’t reached that higher level of understanding that allows us to realize that truth.

Susan Jeffers wrote a great book called Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway! I highly recommend it for anyone that has let their fears stop them from pursuing their goals and realizing their dreams. I have learned to ask myself “what’s the worst that can happen?” When I do this, I realize that a lot of times, I over-exaggerated my fear, using it as an excuse for not going achieving the greatness that I now know is my divine right!

I am looking forward to learning more lessons while experiencing A Course in Miracles and can’t wait to share them! ♥

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