My first book!

February 6, 2010 Sandra Dawes

A few weeks ago I joined a 50 day Challenge Writer’s Marathon For Women to write my first book!  I found out about the challenge through one of the groups I belong to at LinkedIn.  The challenge started on Monday so I am almost a week in and loving the process though it does indeed have it’s challenges!

The goal is to write for 2 hours each day, writing 3 pages per hour.  At the end of 50 days I should will have a book of 300 pages!  This is a bit overwhelming for me since I used to have a hard time writing a 10 page essay back in university! 😉  Thankfully, I have an accountability partner for the challenge.  We are asked to submit our progress to our accountability partner on a set regular schedule that we both agree to.  We don’t have to edit or comment on the work, it’s more to make sure we are doing what we committed to do.

I have decided to write my book about my journey (to-date) of discovering my divine destiny and embracing it!  As I’ve been writing this week, I feel like the exercise is not only going to result in a book, but it is also a means of release.  I am able to reflect on the events that have happened in my life with a new set of eyes.  I can see know that so much of the things that happened in my life that I considered negative experiences were an opportunity for me to grow and fine tune my desires to create the life that I want.

Needless to say I am excited about the process and am looking forward to sharing excerpts of the book as well as the lessons that I am learning throughout this new journey! ♥

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