
January 22, 2010 Sandra Dawes

I first started yoga 2 years ago, after hearing a number of my friends talk about the amazing feeling they got after doing “hot yoga”. I decided to give it a try and purchased a one week unlimited pass. I wasn’t sure what to expect, or if I would be able to handle the heat, but I thoroughly enjoyed my first class and decided that this was definitely something I wanted to continue to do. Since then, I have tried classes at a few different studios, but still never really made it a regular part of my routine.

One of my goals for 2010 is to establish a regular yoga practice. I love that yoga causes you to quiet your mind because your focus is on the poses you are doing. For that hour class, my “stressful” day at work or anything else weighing on my mind, doesn’t exist. I also like the way my body feels after I do yoga, whether I’m doing it at home, or in the sweat inducing hot yoga studio.

I will keep you posted on my progress, so far I have managed to do 3 days a week of yoga at home, and I have now purchased a pass at a local yoga studio to add some variety to my practice. Working out at home is great, but I do enjoy practicing in a group and getting help/correction on the postures.

I am looking forward to the mind, body and soul benefits of this practice as I incorporate yoga into my daily rituals of meditation, affirmations and visualizations. ♥

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