Thoughts on the Haitian Earthquake

January 14, 2010 Sandra Dawes

Like most of you, I was saddened to hear about the recent earthquake in Haiti.  What I find most interesting, is that it takes a crisis like this for the world to show its empathy and caring for its fellow citizens.

While there are a lot of people that dedicate their lives to helping others through various agencies like the Red Cross and other Non-Governmental Agencies, a lot of us don’t give much thought to those less fortunate than ourselves until it hits the mainstream media.  Often, we are so preoccupied with the state of our own individual lives, focusing on our lack, rather than giving gratitude for what we DO have.  I am guilty of this as well – it’s taken the practice of doing a daily gratitude journal to remind me that I do have SO MUCH to be grateful for on a daily basis!

One of my goals this year is to make a contribution to my community.  I want to volunteer my time to a cause that resonates with me.  I have volunteered in the past and the feeling of knowing that you are doing something to help someone else simply because you can is an unbelievable feeling!

I hope that after this crisis is over, that people hold on to that feeling of compassion and camaraderie that compels them to want to help people that they don’t know, and will never meet.  It shouldn’t take a crisis for the world to remember that we are all connected. ♥

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